dr. Donyele m. dabney
prayer warrior
Dr. Donyale M. Dabney, a native of Oakland California. She is a devoted mother of two beautiful daughters Meagan and Cameryn, and a handsome grandson Cayden. She is a visionary, true worshipper, Prophetic intercessor, prayer warrior, author, singer/songwriter and an anointed woman who loves the word of God.
Donyale, through her hunger for the deeper things in scripture, studied Torah for 14 years. This intense study not only has increased her knowledge of the Hebrew scripture, but it has also shaped within her impeccable Godly character. Her studies of Mussar, which is the study of ethical and moral discipline has been engrafted into the very foundation of her ministry whereby it has influenced her teaching in a way that promotes integrity and holiness; and her in depth studies of the New Testament scripture from a Hebraic perspective, further developed her hunger which ultimately led her to receiving a Master’s in Hebraic Based Biblical Studies at Melodyland School of Theology and an Honorary Doctorate from Next Dimension Bible College.
Donyale is the Founder of Gathering of the Remnants Virtual Church, and the Founder of “I AM” a Daughter Movement. She is the Teacher/Instructor of Prophetic Torah/Hebrew Studies. She is the author of three books, “Let’s Detox the Soul Prayer Manual/CD, Let’s Gather Together in Prayer/Deliverance for Destiny, and her latest book Let’s Have Church/Are you a useable Vessel”. She is also the CEO of The Billie Sue Company/Billie Sue Designs, Billie Sue Products, and Billie 2 Billy Music/Publishing.
Donyale is a Kingdom minded dedicated useable vessel. She is one who has committed, surrendered, and consecrated her life to serving the Kingdom of God in every way she can. Through her ministry of love, compassion, and mercy, she has drawn many to Christ. Through her natural transparency and humor, God has strategically used her as an example and a light to not only lead many to Christ, but also to influence those who have fallen away to recommit their lives back to Him.
Donyale knows all too well of what it means to struggle. Throughout her journey and many years of tears, trials and struggles, God has taken her pain and turned it into gain by giving her tools, skill and understanding; and unique methods of presenting the Word in such a way that presents Jesus as our Divine Therapist. This method has been effective in bringing forth healing, deliverance, wholeness and ultimately transformation, purpose, and destiny not only in her life but also in the lives of others. God has richly blessed her and through His Grace, he is blessing others through her ministry.

Donyale is a Kingdom minded dedicated useable vessel. She is one who has committed, surrendered, and consecrated her life to serving the Kingdom of God in every way she can. Through her ministry of love, compassion, and mercy, she has drawn many to Christ. Through her natural transparency and humor, God has strategically used her as an example and a light to not only lead many to Christ, but also to influence those who have fallen away to recommit their lives back to Him.
Donyale knows all too well of what it means to struggle. Throughout her journey and many years of tears, trials and struggles, God has taken her pain and turned it into gain by giving her tools, skill and understanding; and unique methods of presenting the Word in such a way that presents Jesus as our Divine Therapist. This method has been effective in bringing forth healing, deliverance, wholeness and ultimately transformation, purpose, and destiny not only in her life but also in the lives of others. God has richly blessed her and through His Grace, he is blessing others through her ministry.